Hello 2013 Hixson Scholars! Are you excited for the school year to start?? Well, I know I am. My name is Joshua Schroetter and I am so excited to be one of you peer mentors this fall!
I am a 2010 Hixson from Howard County (in the northeast part of the state) and I am majoring in Computer Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Sociology. I could go on and on about how excited I am to meet all of you this fall, but I think it is about time I get to the actually information part of the blog.
If you have been following this blog for a while, you likely
already read about some of the resources here at Iowa State (and if you haven’t
been following the blog I am honored this is one of the first posts you are
reading). My goal today is to get you more familiar with AccessPlus (https://accessplus.iastate.edu)
and Blackboard (https://bb.its.iastate.edu), which are two websites that you
will utilize for you entire time at Iowa State.

Blackboard (BB) (I like
shorthand, it makes this typing thing easier) is another webpage that most of
you will use almost all of the time. BB is where most professors and teachers
will post information about their classes. You will log on with your Net-ID
(the first part of your ISU email address) and a password that you setup during
Orientation. Once logged on, you will see a lot of different things, but the
main one you will use is My Courses. In that section you will see all of the
classes you are in where the professor has setup BB for the class. As you can
see in my screenshot I currently only have one class since it is the middle of
summer. Fall classes will show up sometime in August. On the main page you can
also see other sections such as My Tasks and My Calendar. Depending on how your
BB courses are setup, assignments and deadlines will show up in those sections.
However, I have nothing due so they are all empty. You can personalize this
main page as much as you would like. I set mine back to default for the
screenshot so your BB account should look the same when you log in for the
first time. Digging in a little deeper, you can go into each class specifically
to get more options. The bottom part of the screenshot shows what a class page
looks like (I have blacked out the Announcements since they aren’t important
for this blog post). The class page will usually open to the Announcments
section if it is setup. This is a good place to look at any thing the professor
wants you to know about the class. Things that end up here are also sent in an
email to you as well. As you can see, there are a lot of menu options on the
right-hand side. The main one you will likely use is Grades. Most professors
will update this fairly regularly so you know what scores you are getting in
the class. There may also be different menu options such as Assignments. This
would be where you can see all past, current, and upcomming assignments for the
class. Professors may also post extra materials and class syllabus, usually
under the Course Content section. Depending on how the class is setup by the
professor, you may also use other sections or have a section that isn’t in the
screenshot. I know in the past I have also used the Discussions tab (this is a
forum for the class) for help in the class or for certain assignments.
Unfortunately I don’t have time to cover all the little nuances of BB, but if
you have questions you can ask them to your peer mentors, the Hixson staff, or
your class professor (you should probably go with your class professor first).
The last thing I want to
mention is that if you ever forget your password for either A+, BB, or even
your email account, you can contact the Soution Center (515-294-4000, solution@iastate.edu, 195 Durham Center) to get it reset. They can also
help you out with other technical issues you have with either website.
Well, I apologize for the
long blog post, but I had a lot of stuff to cover. While A+ and BB may seem
confusing at first, you will come to love and hate them with time. Oh, and you
will learn how to use them as well. They are full of options and resources and
you will use them pretty much all the time while you are here at ISU. With
that, I will call it a blog post. I can’t wait to meet all of you in the fall!
The school year is almost here, get excited!
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